Christmas is almost here which means that it is time for family Christmas pictures! The first three families to call and schedule a portrait session, and mention this special will get a free 5x7 with their session!
Reese is now 6 months old! She is a beautiful baby with big brown eyes and adorable rolls. I got to take a few pictures of her his week in her Halloween costume and pink tutu. Here are the favorites.
We retook Whitney and Jason's pictures on Sunday! It was nice and sunny this time and the pictures are much brighter this time! Here are the favorites.
Meet Brooke and Charles. I have known Brooke for a few years now through a mutual friend and she recently got engaged. They originally hired me to take their wedding photos, but then they moved the date up to March and I didn't think I would be up for it by then since the babies probably won't be here until February! Here are the favorites.
Yesterday I took pictures of the Homecoming Queen's Court at ACU. They were all nice girls and we had a lot of fun. The Queen will be named in a few weeks at the Homecoming game.