I met this sweet family out at Jacob's Dream for pictures yesterday. It got sunny less than an hour before we went out there. It was nice though. A little bit cold, but nice. I am hoping the weather will do the same thing today and get sunny in a little bit before I have pictures again!! Here are some favs from the session yesterday though.
I love this family. Those boys are so cute! I used t work with Zack's mom at ACU and she was one of my favorite people up there!! So I heard lots of stories about these boys. Here are couple of their pictures...
This adorable little girl is such a good big sister! She did a great job of holding her little brother. I cannot wait to take their family pictures in a few weeks!!
I have known these guys for a long time! I met Phil my freshman year of college and have been friends with him since. I took pictures of sweet Aiden when he was born and had the privilege to take pictures of their newest addition, Norah. Here are the favs...
These two kids are so adorable and were SO much fun to take pictures of!! And they did so well despite how cold it was. Can you tell that Owen's teeth were chattering in some of the pictures?