Richard and Jenna are getting married today at ACU. Jenna is such a beautiful girl and was a beautiful bride. The ceremony was amazing - so personal and so spiritual. I loved it. Here the favs from Jenna's bridal session...
Amanda and Joe got married last Saturday out at Camp Butman. I had never been out there before and it is kinda in the middle of no where! I have been a little slow to get these pictures processed because as soon as their wedding was over, my husband and I (and babies) drove to Colorado. We were there until Christmas Eve and have had family in town since. So it has been a busy past week. But I have the pictures done now, just in time for my next wedding this Saturday! This was the first time they saw each other - I love their facial expressions! So sweet! Congratulations Joe and Amanda!
Mason and Casey got married last Saturday at Highland. It was my first time shooting a wedding at my own church. I had never even been to a wedding in the auditorium! It was beautiful though and I enjoyed getting to be a part of their special day!