This ADORABLE little guy is my nephew, well kinda. He is my best friends baby and he is such a sweet baby. He is one week old in these pictures. Here are a few faves....
I love shooting out of town weddings because I get to shoot in new venues! This wedding was in Galveston and was absolutely gorgeous. Here are a few faves...
I met this sweet family at Jacob's Dream last night for some family pictures. They are on a missions team/friends with a family that is close to ours. So they got a session for them before they move to Peru this month. Cailyn is such a cute little girl and also a typical almost 2 year old! She was so much fun to take pictures of though. I just adore her big blue eyes. Here are the faves from the session...
Last Saturday I shot Matt and Eriel's wedding in Galveston. Eriel was a beautiful bride, not to mention laid back and so sweet! Here are a few bridal pictures and look for the wedding pictures in the next day or two!
You might recognize Jesse and Angie if you have been following my work for a while. I shot their wedding 3 years ago! Now they have a beautiful family and Angie is as gorgeous as ever. They also brought Jesse's brothers family out to take pictures as well. Here are the faves...